Light Em' Up by Sami Garcia

Light Em' Up by Sami Garcia

Author:Sami Garcia
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2022-03-04T18:30:24+00:00

Chapter Thirty-one:


Friday, August 10th, 2018

Time: 0000

The two stepped out of the elevator. The surgical team, which was a skeleton crew, had been evacuated already. They searched in the nooks and crannies of every room, stairwell and any area they could think of close to the problem areas.

McKenzie emerged from the south stairwell. “I think this floor is clear.”

Harris was about to agree with her and move on but something caught her eye just below the stairwell Harris was searching, something red.

“Hold on,” she said, moving in to get a closer look. The red was a rose petal that was laid over the detonator and next to that was an old World War Two bomb.

“I found it,” said Harris “Use the landline at the nurses’ station and let them know I will need the disposal robot and X-ray because we will need to dispose of the detonator in order to disable this device”.

“Right,” said McKenzie and headed over to the nurse’s phone and let Defaeo and Lee know what they found.

Not too long after McKenzie made the call the rest of the team and the disposal robot joined them.

Everyone came in to get a closer look.

“Huh, an old World War Two style bomb,” said Lee, looking at the structure of the device.

“Or something made to look like one,” said Defaeo, “is that rose petal set to trigger the detonator?” he asked, looking around the petal at different angles.

“Let’s have Mac come in to scan this so we can make sure there are no surprises inside,” said Harris, motioning the rest of the team to back up.

The robot came in and did its scan and the team gathered around the monitor. “Looks like this is not a replica or decoy, this is actually an old World War Two bomb,” said Lee.

“That rose looks like it might be providing enough weight to keep the detonator from setting off the device,” said McKenzie. The detonator was a small box that was black and had a button on top.

“It seems so light to be holding it down,” said Defaeo, focused on the rose.

“It’s got weights attached to it,” Harris said, pointing at the disks glued to the petals.

“So the tricky part would be to remove the rose petal so we can seclude the detonator away from the bomb and explode it,” said Harris, thinking of how the team could pull this off.

“It’s almost like a switch that has to be quick or a switch that keeps equal pressure and the robot doesn’t move fast like that” Defaeo said.

“What equals the weight or pressure that this rose petal is giving?” asked Harris, looking around the hospital floor.

“What if we don’t move the rose at all just keep it in the same position and have the robot take it out of here” Lee suggested.

“Hmm could work,” said Harris.

“Let’s do it,” said McKenzie.

They brought the robot in and Defaeo took over the controls.

“The trick is going to be picking it up and not the rose petal at all,” Defaeo said looking at the screen that provided the view from the robot.


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